Vestlandet July 2009
Atlanterhavsveien, Visit at Jotunhaus MC, Molde Jazz, Trollstigen and Geirangerfjorden and finally Hokksund

Ina, Eva, Ellen and Anne at Atlanterhavsveien (Which in fact is no longer than 8,2 km!)

As always when you are on the road with Harley Davidson you see a lot of nice nature..

... and some see a lot of asphalt. Here Ellen is trying to get a longdistanse diagnose through phone. "Listen - what is wrong here?" Not an easy task :-)

At the end of Atlanterhavsveien is Jotunhaus MC's place. Thanks for good service :-)

Ellen's bike is beeing fixed (electrical problems).

Nice bike :-)

Ellen's nails are beeing fixed

And finally we are ready for Molde Jazz

At Molde Jazz : Ina and Anne

Ellen and Eva

Next day: Breakfast is served :-) We got driving directions from one of the members and continued our trip to Trollstigen.

Before entering Trollstigen! Ina, Eva, Ellen and Anne

The waterfall "The seven sisters"


Anne and Ellen

Pirates of "Nordstjernen": Anne, Eva, Ina and Ellen

"Breakfast" with egg and bacon at noon at Lindas place

Linda with her "Shaggy-arabian" horse which has just given birth to a lovely foal. (The brown one standing together with Ina).